Allergy Treatment

Allergy treatment should be individualized based on the patient's symptoms, preferences, and medical history. Three treatment options include:

  • Allergy avoidance and environmental control
  • Medications
  • Immunotherapy

The best but sometimes most difficult way to prevent allergy symptoms is limiting your exposure to allergens as much as possible. This can be an effective treatment option for dust mite and pet dander allergens. Using pillow and mattress covers, frequently changing your bedding, removing carpets, and avoiding pets in the bedroom are a couple options that can be considered. Other environmental controls include avoiding outdoor activity when pollen counts are high, eliminating water leaks and damp areas associated with mold growth, avoiding exposure to active and passive tobacco smoke, and installing HEPA filters to filter and circulate the air in the house.

When allergy avoidance and environmental control is not possible or inadequate, medications can be helpful. Medications include:
  • Nasal corticosteroids sprays
  • Nasal antihistamine sprays
  • Antihistamines tablets
  • Mast cell stabilizers
  • Decongestants
  • Nasal saline rinses and sprays
  • Oral steroids

Immunotherapy or “allergy shots” can be a treatment option for some patients. Allergy immunotherapy can be offered in two forms; subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) and sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT). SCIT involves giving injections of allergens in an increasing dose over time developing an “immunity” or desensitization which is a change in immune response to the injected allergens. The goal is for the patients to become less sensitive to the allergens. SCIT is typically administered once a week for 3-5 years and is performed in the office. SLIT is a treatment option without injections. Small doses of allergens are administered as drops under the tongue to dissolve. This can be performed at home and can be a convenient option for patients. Both options are effective but several factors such as efficacy, cost, compliance, and safety should be considered.
If you are interested in allergy treatment, the team at Otolaryngology Associates can help you figure out what the best options are available to you.
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